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From the CrossoverKill Crew

We hope all our readers had a merry Christmas, or holiday of your choice.

A beautiful page from Nepath, Energize's creator. Energize and Dasien are old friends, as readers of ENERGIZE/DASIEN know.


Readers of Energize might perk an eyebrow at the embrace between Dasien and Energize. Rest assured, Energize fans, they're just friends. Although, Das might have some additional feelings for Mike, but you'd never get her to admit that. And you thought Parker was the only one hiding her feelings. Speaking of whom, Park's not exactly thrilled to see Das gush over Energize.

As you can see, Das' involvement in the story has reached its zenith, and the real cast will start to shape from here on. It's been a real joy to be a part of all this. We still have a couple pages to go before we jump to the next part of the story, where things actually start getting crazy. And let me tell you, the best is yet to come.

Don'tcha dare miss it.


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