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From the CrossoverKill Crew

There were five updates last week so make sure you go back five pages to catch them all.

Here's a double dose of your bad guy quota for today! Not only do we have four members of the Doppelganger Gang but also the Master Assassin and a whole swarm of Character Assassins. This is actually the first time the Assassins have been seen in the flesh - their previous appearances have been as (SPOILER ALERT...!) illusions - here and here - or as training robots in the Robomat - here. It's also the debut appearance of the cult's leader known as the Master Assassin... more on this guy tomorrow. Suki spells out the the Character Assassin's philosophy fairly clearly - they believe everyone is a character in a story and it is their job to kill (edit out) the main character of the story - only problem for them is they haven't worked out who that might be despite numerous murders and attempted murders. Crazy!!

As for the 'Gangers - this is the first appearance for Kid Apocalypse (designed by Bad Guy High's the Red Death); the second appearance for Syko Suki (one of my creations), her debut was in this earlier scene; Chant (designed by Mindmistress' Al Schroeder) was previously seen in the shadows here, and; a debut by Esteban Frío (also one of mine).

There are four updates this week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday... see you tomorrow as negotiations go pear-shaped!


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