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From the CrossoverKill Crew

For those who've been suggesting ways to dispose of the bomb, this brings the bomb problem to an end. True, Fusion could've flown off to a safe distance, but with the crowds of people, trying to get through the jam-packed exits would be tricky to do without hurting anyone or jostling the bomb (and she has no idea what might set if off); she could blow a hole in the ceiling, but the debris could fall on someone; plus she's in a panic and doesn't even know if she could survive the blast. Energize is just now showing up and there's not enough time to bring him up to speed on the situation. But, lucky for everyone, Bob knows what Fusion can do. For those scratching your heads at this page--don't worry; all will be explained.

I also experimented a bit with a different highlight technique for Mindmistress here; it's a bit more subtle, but I think it looks all right. I expect the looks of the other characters will evolve as I draw them more as well.


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