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From the CrossoverKill Crew

Welcome aboard, Yuuki! It was fun getting to draw Yuuki, his/her costume design and color palatte is very different from anything I've worked with before plus, as anyone used to my work might know, most of the women in Magellan aren't quite so... busty!

These last five pages were interesting to work on and presented a number of challenges. Originally scripted as three pages it was a bit of a roller coaster ride, taking Yuuki from a berserker rage to compliance in fairly short order. I decided to pace it a bit more - splitting the first page into two and the second two pages into three.

In the first instance it gave me the chance to spotlight Al's rather awesome phrase "Give me Hel or I'll give you Hell" which probably wouldn't have had quite the same impact buried somewhere within the page one (instead of ending it with a bang!). Secondly it gave me a lot more room for the action sequences. Also I added in some Suki dialogue to fill it out and give Yuuki a bit more time to calm down. In case some of you are a tad confused, the reason Suki has stopped trying to kill everyone is because she's been immobilized by Mindmistress' psyche-staff...

Anyway, that's all from me for now... make sure to tune in next Tuesday as Al takes over the art duties and our heroes make a break for it!


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